Link | Autor(en) | Titel | Jahr | Typ | Seiten MByte |
Barzaghi R, Borghi A, Brovelli MA, Sona G | A comparison between two methods for outliers detection in DTM data | 2001 | | 0 0.1 |
Brovelli MA, Triglione D, Venuti G | GIS techniques for digital surface models outlier detection | 2000 | AngF | 22 0.1 |
Brovelli MA, Sansò F, Triglione D | Different approaches for outliers detection in digital terrain models and gridded surfaces within the GRASS geographic information system environment | 1999 | | 8 0.1 |
Rummel R, Sansò F, Gelderen Mv, Brovelli MA, Koop R, Schrama EJO,… | Spherical harmonic analysis of satellite gradiometry | 1993 | GruF | 124 3.4 |