Sie suchen nach Autor Snow KB.
4 Treffer in 3037 Dokumenten, davon 1 bis 4 angezeigt, sortiert nach Erscheinungsjahr.
Link | Autor(en) | Titel | Jahr | Typ | Seiten MByte |
Jazaeri Sh, Schaffrin B, Snow KB | On Weigthed Total Least-Squares Adjustment with Multiple Constraints an Singular Dispersion Matrices | 2014 | GruF | 12 0.1 |
Snow KB | Topics in Total Least-Squares Adjustment within the Errors-in-Variables Model: Singular Cofactor Matrices and Prior Information | 2012 | Thes | 99 0.1 |
Snow KB, Schaffrin B | Three-dimensional outlier detection for GPS networks and their densification via the BLIMPBE approach | 2003 | AngF | 10 0.1 |
Snow KB | Applications of Parameter Estimation and Hypothesis Testing to GPS Network Adjustments | 2002 | Thes | 154 0.1 |
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