START Guide Deutsch Statistics : Repeated observations

Page contents

In geodesy and in other measuring professions a quantity is often measured multiple times under the same conditions, to increase accuracy and reliability. It is assumed that the measured values differ only due to the effect of random independent identically distributed errors. Such measurements are comprehensively evaluated, including all applicable statistical tests. Instead of geodetic measured values also other random samples of that kind may be evaluated.


Probability of type I decision error

Name of series Measured values

expected value of measurements to be tested

a priori standard deviation of measurements to be tested
Name of series Measured values of the comparative series

expected value of measurements to be tested

a priori standard deviation of measurements to be tested

3 more examples

Measured values
Comparative values
Did you know? Blue-grounded input areas may be left blank.

START Guide Deutsch In the library

Link Author(s)Title Year Type Pages
PDF: open accessFoppe KFehlerlehre und Statistik2016Educ94
PDF: open accessVermeer MStatistical methods in geodesy2015Educ157
PDF: open accessLehmann ROn the formulation of the alternative hypothesis for geodetic outlier detection2013BasR14
PDF: open accessLehmann ROn the formulation of the alternative hypothesis for geodetic outlier detection (postprint)2013BasR20
PDF: open accessFoppe KRepetorium zur Fehlerlehre und Statistik und Ausgleichungsrechnung2009Educ87
PDF: restricted accessLehmann RDas arithmetische Mittel von Mehrfachmessungen unter Wiederholbedingungen2008BasR5
PDF: restricted accessKoch KRParameterschätzung und Hypothesentests in linearen Modellen2004BasR382
PDF: open accessTanizaki HComputational Methods in Statistics and Econometrics2004Educ512