Link | Autor(en) | Titel | Jahr | Typ | Seiten MByte |
Kampmann G | Zur kombinativen Norm-Schätzung mit Hilfe der L1-, der L2- und der Bošković-Laplace-Methode mit den Mitteln der Linearen Programmierung | 1988 | | 154 0.1 |
Caspary W, Borutta H | Robust estimation in deformation models | 1987 | | 17 0.1 |
Xu P | A test method for many outliers | 1987 | | 0 0.1 |
Chen Y, Kavouras M, Chrzanowski A | A strategy for detection of outlying observations in measurements of high precision | 1987 | | 0 0.1 |
Aduol FWO | Detection of outliers in geodetic networks using principal component analysis and bias parameter estimation | 1987 | | 104 0.1 |
Middel B, Schaffrin B | Robust determination of the Earth’s Gravity Potential Coefficients | 1987 | | 0 0.1 |
Schaffrin B | On Robust Collocation | 1986 | | 0 0.1 |
Förstner W | Reliability, gross error detection and self-calibration | 1986 | | 0 0.1 |
Eeg J | On the adjustment of observations in presence of blunders | 1986 | | 0 0.1 |
Aduol FWO, Schaffrin B | On outlier identification in geodetic networks using principal component analysis | 1986 | | 0 0.1 |