Link | Autor(en) | Titel | Jahr | Typ | Seiten MByte |
Berberan A | Outlier detection and heterogeneous observations - a simulation case study | 1992 | | 13 0.1 |
Salzmann M | MDB: A design tool for integrated navigation systems | 1991 | | 7 0.1 |
Yang Y | Robust Bayesian estimation | 1991 | | 6 0.1 |
Ethrog U | Statistical test of significance for testing outlying observations | 1991 | | 9 0.1 |
Teunissen PJG | On the Minimal Detectable Biases of GPS Phase Ambiguity Slips | 1991 | | 0 0.1 |
Lu G | Quality control for differential kinematic GPS positioning | 1991 | | 0 0.1 |
Kubik K, Wang Y | Comparison of Different Principles for Outlier Detection | 1991 | | 0 0.1 |
Kampmann G | Asymptotische Prüfung von L1-Klaffungen im Kongruenzmodell der Deformationsanalyse | 1991 | | 9 0.1 |
Krakiwsky EJ, Biacs ZF | Least squares collocation and statistical testing | 1990 | | 15 0.1 |
Shaorong Zh | On separability for deformations and gross errors | 1990 | | 14 0.1 |