Link | Autor(en) | Titel | Jahr | Typ | Seiten MByte |
Darugna F, Wübbena JB, Wübbena G, Schmitz M, Schön S, Warneke A | Impact of robot antenna calibration on dual-frequency smartphone-based high-accuracy positioning: a case study using the Huawei Mate20X | 2020 | AngF | 12 3.1 |
Köhr M, Moosdorf G | Das Deutsche Haupthöhennetz 2016 in Sachsen | 2017 | Vort | 79 6 |
Kaden R, Rasche H, Tonn F | Orientierung eines untertägigen Polygonzugnetzes im Lagebezug ETRS89/UTM | 2016 | Thes | 13 1.5 |
Busch W, Linke J | Räumliche Höhenänderungsanalyse auf Grundlage einer automatisierten Ausgleichung massenhaft vorliegender PSI-Zeitreihen mittels orthogonaler Polynome | 2014 | GruF | 13 0.1 |
Schuh WD | Geodätische Herausforderung an das wissenschaftliche Rechnen | 2008 | Vort | 102 0.1 |
Sørensen AA, Yilmaz O | Analysis of Strain Accumulation of the Faulting Zones by the Help of Continuous GPS Stations | 2008 | AngF | 12 0.1 |
Kin-Kwok Ch, Chi-hung LB | The Hong Kong Satellite Positioning Reference Station Network (SatRef) – System Configurations, Services and Applications | 2007 | Proj | 13 0.1 |
Kapović Z, Marendić A, Paar R | Deformation Analysis of the Holcim Ltd. Cement Factory Objects | 2006 | AngF | 15 0.1 |
Meier M, Ingensand H, Wei F, Rivkin L, Somieski A | Precise Long Term Deformations: Results of the Hydrostatic Levelling System at the Swiss Light Source Synchrotron | 2006 | Proj | 10 0.1 |
Sternberg H | Deformation Measurements at Historical Buildings with the Help of Three-Dimensional Recording Methods and Two - Dimensional Surface Evaluations | 2006 | AngF | 10 0.1 |