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Sie suchen nach Autor Sansò F.

7 Treffer in 3037 Dokumenten, davon 1 bis 7 angezeigt, sortiert nach Erscheinungsjahr.

Link Autor(en) Titel Jahr Typ Seiten
PDF: offener Zugriff Sneeuw N, Novak P, Crespi M, Sansò F (Eds)VII Hotine-Marussi Symposium on Mathematical Geodesy2012Sons392
PDF: offener Zugriff Pail R, Reguzzoni M, Sansò F, Kühtreiber NOn the combination of global and local data in collocation theory2010GruF24
PDF: offener Zugriff Lacy MC de, Reguzzoni M, Sansò F, Venuti GThe Bayesian detection of discontinuities in a polynomial regression and its application to the cycle-slip problem2008GruF16
PDF: offener Zugriff Lacy MC de, Sansò F, Rodriguez-Caderot G, Gil AJThe Bayesian approach applied to GPS ambiguity resolution, A mixture model for the discrete-real ambiguities alternative2002GruF13
kein Online-Zugriff Brovelli MA, Sansò F, Triglione DDifferent approaches for outliers detection in digital terrain models and gridded surfaces within the GRASS geographic information system environment19998
PDF: offener Zugriff Rummel R, Sansò F, Gelderen Mv, Brovelli MA, Koop R, Schrama EJO,…Spherical harmonic analysis of satellite gradiometry1993GruF124
kein Online-Zugriff Benciolini B, Mussio L, Sansò FAn approach to gross error detection more conservative than Baarda snooping19820

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