Link | Autor(en) | Titel | Jahr | Typ | Seiten MByte |
Sneeuw N, Krumm F, Roth M | Adjustment Theory | 2020 | Lehr | 154 4.5 |
Devaraju B, Sneeuw N | The role of two-point functions in geodesy and their classification | 2018 | Aufs | 7 0.1 |
Sneeuw N | Dynamic Satellite Geodesy | 2013 | Lehr | 90 0.1 |
Sneeuw N, Novak P, Crespi M, Sansò F (Eds) | VII Hotine-Marussi Symposium on Mathematical Geodesy | 2012 | Sons | 392 0.1 |
Sneeuw N | History of Geodesy | 2011 | Vort | 38 0.1 |
Tourian MJ, Riegger J, Sneeuw N, Devaraju B | Outlier identification and correction for GRACE aggregated data | 2011 | AngF | 14 0.1 |
Sneeuw N, Weigelt M | Analytische Bahnberechnung künstlicher Satelliten - eine geschichtliche Einführung | 2010 | Vort | 36 0.1 |
Sneeuw N | Geodesy and Geoinformatics - part: Geodesy | 2010 | Lehr | 31 0.1 |
Sneeuw N | Physical Geodesy | 2006 | Lehr | 137 0.1 |