Link | Autor(en) | Titel |
Jahr | Typ | Seiten MByte |
| Grafarend EW, Okeke FI | Transformation of Conformal Coordinates of Type Lambert Conic from a Global Datum, (ITRS) to a Local Datum (Regional, National) | 2006 | AngF | 16 0.1 |
| Awange JL, Grafarend EW | From space angles to point position using Sylvester resultant | 2005 | GruF | 5 0.1 |
| Awange JL, Grafarend EW | Solving Algebraic Computational Problems in Geodesy and Geoinformatics - The Answer to Modern Challenges | 2005 | Lehr | 344 0.1 |
| Awange JL, Grafarend EW | Closed form solution of the overdetermined nonlinear 7 parameter datum transformation | 2003 | GruF | 20 0.1 |
| Awange JL, Fukuda Y, Takemoto Sh, Ateya IL, Grafarend EW | Ranging algebraically with more observations than unknowns | 2003 | GruF | 8 0.1 |
| Awange JL, Grafarend EW | Sylvester resultant solution of the planar ranging problem | 2002 | GruF | 5 0.1 |
| Grafarend EW, Krumm FW | Lecture Notes Map Projections | 2002 | Lehr | 238 0.1 |
| Grafarend EW | Sensitive control of high-speed-railway tracks /Part I: Local representation of the clothoid | 2002 | GruF | 10 0.1 |
| Grafarend EW | Sensitive control of high-speed-railway tracks /Part II: Minimal distance mapping of a point close to the clothoid | 2002 | GruF | 10 0.1 |
| Grafarend EW, Hendricks A, Gilbert A | Transformation of conformal coordinates of type Gauß-Krüger or UTM from a local datum (regional, National, European) to a global datum (WGS 84, ITRF 96) Part II Case studies | 2000 | GruF | 5 0.1 |