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AOAAirport Operators Association 
AOAAngle of Arrival (Funkortung) 
AODAge of Data 
AODAngle of Departure (Funkortung) 
APAccess Point 
APApplication Protocol 
ARAugmented Reality 
ARAxial Ratio 
ATMAir Traffic Management 
ATMAutomated Teller Machine 
CEPCelestial Ephemeris Pole (today's name: CIP
CEPCircle of Equal Probability 
CEPCircular Error Probability 
CIOCelestial Intermediate Origin 
CIOConventional International Origin 
CSACanadian Space Agency 
CSAChannel of Standard Accuracy 
CTSConventional Terrestrial System 
CTSCoordinated Terrestrial System 
CTSCourse to Steer (Navigation) 
DGKAusschuss Geodäsie der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (früher: Deutsche Geodätische Kommission)
DGKDeutsche Grundkarte 
DMSDegrees Minutes Seconds (Winkelmaßeinheit) 
DOTDepartment Of Transportation (USA) 
DOTDynamische Ozean-Topographie 
EETERS Envisat Tandem 
EETEastern European Time 
ENCElectronic Navigation Chart 
ENCEuropean Navigation Conference 
FIRFinite Impulse Response 
FIRFlight Information Region 
GCCGalileo Control Centre 
GCCGround Control Centres 
GCRFGaia Celestial Reference Frame 
GCRFGeocentric Celestial Reference Frame 
GCSGround Control Segment 
GCSGround Control System (Galileo) 
GEOGeostationärer Erdorbit 
GEOGroup on Earth Observations
GKGauß-Krüger (Koordinatensystem) 
GKGroßkreis (Navigation) 
GLSGBAS Landesystem (Navigation) 
GLSGNSS Landesystem (Navigation) 
GMTGeneric Mapping Tool 
GMTGreenwich Mean Time 
GPPSGeodätischer Postprocessing Positionierungsservice (
GPPSGeodätischer präziser Positionierungsservice (Bezeichnung veraltet) 
GRAPHICGroup and Phase Ionospheric Calibration 
GRAPHICGroup and Phase Ionospheric Correction 
GSOGeostationärer Satelliten-Orbit 
GSOGeosynchroner Orbit 
GSTGalileo System Time 
GSTGreenwich Sidereal Time 
HEOHigh Earth Orbit 
HEOHighly Elliptical Orbit 
HEOSHigh Earth Orbit Satellite 
HEOSHighly Elliptical Orbit Satellite 
IASInstitut Aero Spatial 
IASInternational Altimetry Service
IBSIAG Bibliographic Service 
IBSIntegrated Bridge Systems 
IGRFInternational Gravity Reference Frame 
IGRFInternationales Geomagnetisches Referenzfeld 
IGSOInclined Geosynchronous Orbit 
IGSOInternational Geodetic Students Organisation
ILSInstrumentenlandesystem (Navigation) 
ILSInternational Latitude Service (1962 umbenannt in IPMS
IRPIERS Referenzpol (ehemals Internationaler Referenzpol) 
IRPInstantaner Rotationspol 
IRPInvariant Reference Point 
ISAInertial Sensor Assembly (INS
ISAInternationale Standardatmosphäre 
ISMIntegrity Support Message 
ISMInternational Society for Mine Surveying
LEOPLaunch Early Operations 
LEOPLaunch and Early Orbit Phase (Galileo) 
LNAVLateral Navigation 
LNAVLegacy Navigation Message (GPS
LoDLength of Day 
LoDLevel of Detail 
MCSMaster Control Station (GPS
MCSMultilevel Coded Spreading Symbols 
MLSMikrowellenlandesystem (Navigation) 
MLSMobiles Laserscanning 
MTMessage Type 
MTMilitary Tracking 
MWMelbourne-Wübbena (GNSS-Linearkombination) 
MWmittlerer Wasserstand 
NASNational Airspace System 
NASNormbasierte Austauschschnittstelle (ALKIS
OKOrdinary Kriging 
OSOpen Service (EGNOS
OSOpen Service (Galileo) 
PCCPermanent Committee on Cadastre in the European Union
PCCPhase Center Correction (GNSS
PMPhase Modulation 
PMPolar Motion 
PPSPrecise Positioning Service (GPS
PPSPuls pro Sekunde 
PRPseudo Random 
PRPseudo Range 
PRNPseudo Random Noise 
PRNPseudo Random Number 
PRSPublic Regulated Service (Galileo) 
PSDPosition Sensitive Device 
PSDPower Spectral Density 
PTPPrecision Time Protocol 
RBRelative Bearing (Navigation) 
RRCRange Rate Correction (GNSS
RRCRoot Raised Cosine 
RSSReceived Signal Strength 
RSSRoot of Summed Squares 
RTSReal Time Service (IGS
RTSRobotic Total Station 
SARSearch and Rescue (Galileo) 
SARSynthetic Aperture Radar 
SCCSpacecraft Control Centre 
SCCSystem Control Centre (Galileo) 
SINEXSoftware Independent Exchange Format 
SINEXSolution Independent Exchange Format 
SNASSatellite Navigation Augmentation System 
SNASSino Navigation Augmentation System (regionale GNSS-Erweiterung China) 
SoLSafety of Life (EGNOS
SoLSafety of Life (Galileo) 
SPPSingle Point Positioning 
SPPStandard Point Positioning 
SSTSatellite to Satellite Tracking 
SSTSea Surface Topography 
SWSynchronization Word 
TGDTime Group Delay (GNSS
TGDTotal Group Delay 
TLSTarget Level of Safety 
TLSTerrestrischer Laserscanner 
TLSTotal Least Squares 
TLSTransponderlandesystem (Navigation) 
TRSTerrestrial Reference System 
TRSTerrestrischer Radarscanner 
TTCTelemetry, Tracking, and Commanding (Galileo) 
TTCTrimble Total Control (Trimble Navigation Limited) 
WMSWAAS Master Station 
WMSWeb Map Service 
ZTDZenith Total Delay (GNSS
ZTDZenith Tropospheric Delay (GNSS

alle Abkürzungen Quiz

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