Link | Autor(en) | Titel |
Jahr | Typ | Seiten MByte |
| Schwarz W | Einflussgrößen bei elektrooptischen Distanzmessungen und ihre Erfassung | 2012 | Aufs | 13 0.1 |
| Rüeger JM | Refractive indices of light, infrared and radio waves in the atmosphere | 2002 | Proj | 104 0.1 |
| Galkin YS, Tatevian RA | The problem of obtaining formulae for the refractive index of air for high-precision EDM | 1997 | AngF | 3 0.1 |
| Ciddor PhE | Refractive index of air: new equations for the visible and near infrared | 1996 | AngF | 8 0.1 |
| Buck AL | New equations for computing vapor pressure and enhancement factor | 1981 | AngF | 6 0.2 |